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Version: Endpoint V2 Docs

LayerZero V2 Solana OApp Reference

The OApp Standard provides developers with a generic message passing interface to send and receive arbitrary pieces of data between contracts existing on different blockchain networks.

OApp Example OApp Example

This interface can easily be extended to include anything from specific financial logic in a DeFi application, a voting mechanism in a DAO, and broadly any blockchain use case.


While LayerZero provides an OApp Standard to inherit when working in the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Solana programs do not use contract inheritance. Instead, LayerZero provides an Endpoint Cross Program Invocation (CPI) Helper which you can reuse within your programs to call the LayerZero Endpoint.

In the Ethereum Virtual Machine, the object-oriented nature of Solidity allows for a generic OApp Standard which developers can inherit and override to utilize common cross-chain messaging functions and utilities.

In contrast, Solana’s Cross Program Invocation (CPI) model requires that all interacting accounts be provided when a program is called.

Since an OApp could be used for a cross-chain fungible / non-fungible token transfers, issuance of a name service, or any solution that moves information between blockchains, a generic OApp Program could potentially interact with an unpredictable range of programs and accounts.

This makes a single "OApp Program" unfeasible due to it being impossible to anticipate all unique developer use cases at program initialization.

This OApp Reference instead will provide an overview for the core instructions necessary for a Solana Program to interact with the LayerZero Endpoint and Message Library programs.

use anchor_lang::{
solana_program::{keccak::hash, system_program::ID as SYSTEM_ID},
use endpoint::{
cpi::accounts::{Clear, ClearCompose, Quote, RegisterOApp, Send, SendCompose, SetDelegate},
ClearComposeParams, ClearParams, QuoteParams, RegisterOAppParams, SendComposeParams,
SendParams, SetDelegateParams,
ConstructCPIContext, MessagingFee, MessagingReceipt, COMPOSED_MESSAGE_HASH_SEED, ENDPOINT_SEED,

pub const EVENT_SEED: &[u8] = b"__event_authority";

pub fn register_oapp(
endpoint_program: Pubkey,
accounts: &[AccountInfo],
seeds: &[&[u8]],
params: RegisterOAppParams,
) -> Result<()> {
let cpi_ctx = RegisterOApp::construct_context(endpoint_program, accounts)?;
endpoint::cpi::register_oapp(cpi_ctx.with_signer(&[&seeds]), params)

pub fn set_delegate(
endpoint_program: Pubkey,
accounts: &[AccountInfo],
seeds: &[&[u8]],
params: SetDelegateParams,
) -> Result<()> {
let cpi_ctx = SetDelegate::construct_context(endpoint_program, accounts)?;
endpoint::cpi::set_delegate(cpi_ctx.with_signer(&[&seeds]), params)

pub fn send(
endpoint_program: Pubkey,
accounts: &[AccountInfo],
seeds: &[&[u8]],
params: SendParams,
) -> Result<MessagingReceipt> {
// construct cpi context
let cpi_ctx = Send::construct_context(endpoint_program, accounts)?;
let rtn = endpoint::cpi::send(cpi_ctx.with_signer(&[&seeds]), params)?;

pub fn quote(
endpoint_program: Pubkey,
accounts: &[AccountInfo],
params: QuoteParams,
) -> Result<MessagingFee> {
let cpi_ctx = Quote::construct_context(endpoint_program, accounts)?;
let result = endpoint::cpi::quote(cpi_ctx, params)?;

pub fn clear(
endpoint_program: Pubkey,
accounts: &[AccountInfo],
seeds: &[&[u8]],
params: ClearParams,
) -> Result<[u8; 32]> {
let cpi_ctx = Clear::construct_context(endpoint_program, accounts)?;
let result = endpoint::cpi::clear(cpi_ctx.with_signer(&[&seeds]), params)?;

pub fn send_compose(
endpoint_program: Pubkey,
accounts: &[AccountInfo],
seeds: &[&[u8]],
params: SendComposeParams,
) -> Result<()> {
let cpi_ctx = SendCompose::construct_context(endpoint_program, accounts)?;
endpoint::cpi::send_compose(cpi_ctx.with_signer(&[&seeds]), params)

pub fn clear_compose(
endpoint_program: Pubkey,
accounts: &[AccountInfo],
seeds: &[&[u8]],
params: ClearComposeParams,
) -> Result<()> {
let cpi_ctx = ClearCompose::construct_context(endpoint_program, accounts)?;
endpoint::cpi::clear_compose(cpi_ctx.with_signer(&[&seeds]), params)

pub fn get_accounts_for_clear(
endpoint_program: Pubkey,
receiver: &Pubkey,
src_eid: u32,
sender: &[u8; 32],
nonce: u64,
) -> Vec<LzAccount> {
let (nonce_account, _) = Pubkey::find_program_address(
&[NONCE_SEED, &receiver.to_bytes(), &src_eid.to_be_bytes(), sender],

let (payload_hash_account, _) = Pubkey::find_program_address(

let (oapp_registry_account, _) =
Pubkey::find_program_address(&[OAPP_SEED, &receiver.to_bytes()], &endpoint_program);
let (event_authority_account, _) =
Pubkey::find_program_address(&[EVENT_SEED], &endpoint_program);
let (endpoint_settings_account, _) =
Pubkey::find_program_address(&[ENDPOINT_SEED], &endpoint_program);

LzAccount { pubkey: endpoint_program, is_signer: false, is_writable: false },
LzAccount { pubkey: *receiver, is_signer: false, is_writable: false },
LzAccount { pubkey: oapp_registry_account, is_signer: false, is_writable: false },
LzAccount { pubkey: nonce_account, is_signer: false, is_writable: true },
LzAccount { pubkey: payload_hash_account, is_signer: false, is_writable: true },
LzAccount { pubkey: endpoint_settings_account, is_signer: false, is_writable: true },
LzAccount { pubkey: event_authority_account, is_signer: false, is_writable: false },
LzAccount { pubkey: endpoint_program, is_signer: false, is_writable: false },

pub fn get_accounts_for_send_compose(
endpoint_program: Pubkey,
from: &Pubkey,
to: &Pubkey,
guid: &[u8; 32],
index: u16,
composed_message: &[u8],
) -> Vec<LzAccount> {
let (composed_message_account, _) = Pubkey::find_program_address(

let (event_authority_account, _) =
Pubkey::find_program_address(&[EVENT_SEED], &endpoint_program);

LzAccount { pubkey: endpoint_program, is_signer: false, is_writable: false },
LzAccount { pubkey: *from, is_signer: false, is_writable: false },
LzAccount { pubkey: Pubkey::default(), is_signer: true, is_writable: true },
LzAccount { pubkey: composed_message_account, is_signer: false, is_writable: true },
LzAccount { pubkey: SYSTEM_ID, is_signer: false, is_writable: false },
LzAccount { pubkey: event_authority_account, is_signer: false, is_writable: false },
LzAccount { pubkey: endpoint_program, is_signer: false, is_writable: false },

pub fn get_accounts_for_clear_compose(
endpoint_program: Pubkey,
from: &Pubkey,
to: &Pubkey,
guid: &[u8; 32],
index: u16,
composed_message: &[u8],
) -> Vec<LzAccount> {
let (composed_message_account, _) = Pubkey::find_program_address(

let (event_authority_account, _) =
Pubkey::find_program_address(&[EVENT_SEED], &endpoint_program);

LzAccount { pubkey: endpoint_program, is_signer: false, is_writable: false },
LzAccount { pubkey: *to, is_signer: false, is_writable: false },
LzAccount { pubkey: composed_message_account, is_signer: false, is_writable: true },
LzAccount { pubkey: event_authority_account, is_signer: false, is_writable: false },
LzAccount { pubkey: endpoint_program, is_signer: false, is_writable: false },

/// same to anchor_lang::prelude::AccountMeta
#[derive(Clone, AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize)]
pub struct LzAccount {
pub pubkey: Pubkey,
pub is_signer: bool,
pub is_writable: bool,

Review the rest of the code in the LayerZero V2 Solana Repo!