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Version: Endpoint V2

Security Stack Configuration

When configuring your OApp's Security Stack, you configure it on a per-chain pathway basis. It's essential to ensure that the same DVN is available on both the source and destination chains.

For example, if a DVN is only on Chain A, but not Chain B, you'd need to choose an alternative DVN that's supported on both chains for that pathway. Check DVN deployments here.

Remember, the objective is to ensure that the DVN setup supports your OApp's chain pathways, as they are the conduits for message routing. This is vital for efficient, error-free cross-chain communication.

DVN Light DVN Dark


Below are the possible configurations you can customize in your OApp's Security Stack:

  1. confirmations
  • Type: uint64

  • Description: The number of block confirmations to wait before a DVN should listen for the payloadHash. This setting can be used to ensure message finality on chains with frequent block reorganizations.


    If you set your block confirmations too low, and a reorg occurs after your confirmation, it can materially impact your OApp or OFT.

  1. requiredDVNCount
  • Type: uint8
  • Description: The quantity of required DVNs that will be used in your OApp.
  1. optionalDVNCount
  • Type: uint8
  • Description: The quantity of optional DVNs that will be used in your OApp.
  1. optionalDVNThreshold
  • Type: uint8
  • Description: The minimum number of verifications needed from optional DVNs. A message is deemed Verifiable if it receives verifications from at least the number of optional DVNs specified by the optionalDVNsThreshold, plus the required DVNs.
  1. requiredDVNs
  • Type: address[]
  • Description: An array of addresses for all required DVNs.
  1. optionalDVNs
  • Type: address[]
  • Description: An array of addresses for all optional DVNs.

Set Config

To use a custom Security Stack, the OApp owner or assigned delegate must call setConfig from the OApp's Endpoint.


Each config is specified per channel pathway (ie. from the current source to destination). Therefore, it's imperative to apply the same ULN configuration to both the send (source) and receive (destination) libraries of a given chain. This means adjusting the message library address (_lib) as necessary while maintaining consistent SetConfigParam settings.

Below is an an example configuration setup to see how to customize Security Stack.

Define Parameters

// Using ethers v5

const confirmations = 6; // Arbitrary; Varies per remote chain

const optionalDVNThreshold = 1;

// Create ordered arrays for required and optional DVNs
const requiredDVNs = ['0xRequiredVerifier1', '0xRequiredVerifier2'];
const optionalDVNs = ['0xOptionalVerifier1', '0xOptionalVerifier2'];
const requiredDVNCount = requiredDVNs.length;
const optionalDVNCount = optionalDVNs.length;

// Configuration type
const configTypeUln = 2; // As defined for CONFIG_TYPE_ULN

Encode Parameters to Bytes

const ulnConfigStructType =
'tuple(uint64 confirmations, uint8 requiredDVNCount, uint8 optionalDVNCount, uint8 optionalDVNThreshold, address[] requiredDVNs, address[] optionalDVNs)';

const ulnConfigData = {
const ulnConfigEncoded = ethersV5.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(

Define SetConfigParam

const setConfigParamUln = {
eid: REMOTE_CHAIN_ENDPOINT_ID, // Replace with your remote chain's endpoint ID (source or destination)
configType: configTypeUln,
config: ulnConfigEncoded,

Call setConfig on the Send and Receive Lib

const messageLibAddresses = ['sendLibAddress', 'receiveLibAddress'];

let tx;

// Call setConfig on the send and receive lib
for (const libAddress of messageLibAddresses) {
tx = await endpointContract.setConfig(oappAddress, libAddress, [setConfigParamUln]);
await tx.wait();

All set! Now your OApp will require confirmation from 2 required DVNs and 1 of 2 optional DVNs before a message can be successfully delivered from source to destination.

To save gas, you can seamlessly configure multiple chain paths in a single function call by including multiple SetConfigParam structs within the array argument of setConfig. Just ensure that each struct has a unique eid for its remote chain, along with the appropriately encoded configuration parameters for that specific chain.

// Call setConfig with multiple configurations
const messageLibAddresses = ['sendLibAddress', 'receiveLibAddress'];
let tx;

for (const libAddress of messageLibAddresses) {
tx = await oappContract.setConfig(oappAddress, libAddress, [
setConfigParamUlnChainA, // Configuration for the first destination chain
setConfigParamUlnChainB, // Configuration for the second destination chain
// ... add as many configurations as needed

await tx.wait();

Resetting Configurations

Resetting configurations involves calling setConfig and passing in parameters with nil values. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Encode Nil Parameters to Bytes
// Define nil values for int and address array types
const confirmations = 0;
const optionalDVNCount = 0;
const requiredDVNCount = 0;
const optionalDVNThreshold = 0;
const requiredDVNs = [];
const optionalDVNs = [];

const ulnConfigStructType =
'tuple(uint64 confirmations, uint8 requiredDVNCount, uint8 optionalDVNCount, uint8 optionalDVNThreshold, address[] requiredDVNs, address[] optionalDVNs)';

// Configuration type remains the same
const configTypeUln = 2; // As defined for CONFIG_TYPE_ULN

const ulnConfigData = {
const ulnConfigEncoded = ethersV5.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(

const resetConfigParamUln = {
eid: REMOTE_CHAIN_ENDPOINT_ID, // Replace with the endpoint ID you want to reset
configType: configTypeUln,
config: nilUlnConfigEncoded,
  1. Call setConfig for Reset
const messageLibAddresses = ['sendLibAddress', 'receiveLibAddress'];

let resetTx;

// Call setConfig on the send and receive lib
for (const libAddress of messageLibAddresses) {
resetTx = await endpointContract.setConfig(oappAddress, libAddress, [resetConfigParamUln]);
await resetTx.wait();

Snapshotting Configurations

Snapshotting ULN configurations involves:

  • Locking your send and receive libraries to the defaults by calling setSendLibrary and setReceiveLibrary respectively, on the endpoint.


    When configuring your OApp's ULN Config, setting your send and receive libraries is crucial. If they are not explicitly set when snapshotting configurations, any updates to LayerZero's default message libraries will reset your configurations. This ensures your OApp remains consistent with your security and functionality requirements, safeguarding against unintended changes from default library updates.

  • Calling getConfig and passing in the decoded default values into setConfig to lock configuration settings for an OApp.

Locking the Send and Receive Library

const sendTx = await endpointContract.setSendLibrary(oappAddress, eid, sendLibAddress);
await sendTx.wait();

const receiveTx = await endpointContract.setReceiveLibrary(oappAddress, eid, receiveLibAddress);
await receiveTx.wait();

Locking the ULN Config

  1. Call getConfig from the Endpoint

Use the getConfig function of the endpoint contract to retrieve the current configuration. This function requires the OApp address (_oapp), library address (_lib), endpoint ID (_eid), and configuration type (_configType). It returns the configuration as a bytes array.


function getConfig(
address _oapp,
address _lib,
uint32 _eid,
uint32 _configType
) external view returns (bytes memory config);


const sendUlnConfigBytes = await contract.getConfig(oappAddress, sendLibAddress, eid, configType);
const receiveUlnConfigBytes = await contract.getConfig(
  1. Decode the getConfig bytes array
// Define the ABI for the UlnConfig struct
const ulnConfigStructType = [
'tuple(uint64 confirmations, uint8 requiredDVNCount, uint8 optionalDVNCount, uint8 optionalDVNThreshold, address[] requiredDVNs, address[] optionalDVNs)',

const sendUlnConfigArray = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(
const receiveUlnConfigArray = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(
  1. Encode Default Parameters to Bytes and Call setConfig
// Configuration type remains the same for Executor
const configArrays = [sendUlnConfigArray, receiveUlnConfigArray];
const messageLibAddresses = [sendLibAddress, receiveLibAddress];
const configTypeUln = 2; // As defined for CONFIG_TYPE_ULN

for (const i in configArrays) {
const ulnConfig = configArrays[i][0];

const ulnConfigData = {

const snapshotUlnConfigEncoded = ethersV5.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(

const snapshotConfigParamUln = {
configType: ulnConfigType,
config: snapshotUlnConfigEncoded,

const snapshotTx = await endpointContract.setConfig(oappAddress, messageLibAddresses[i], [
await snapshotTx.wait();