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Version: Endpoint V2 Docs

Deploying Contracts

The LayerZero CLI tool uses the hardhat-deploy plugin to deploy contracts on multiple chains.

After adding your MNEMONIC or PRIVATE_KEY to your dotenv file and adding networks in your hardhat.config.ts, run the following command to deploy your LayerZero contracts:

npx hardhat lz:deploy

Selecting Chains

You will be prompted to select which chains to deploy to:

info:    Compiling you hardhat project
Nothing to compile
? Which networks would you like to deploy? ›
↑/↓: Highlight option
←/→/[space]: Toggle selection
[a,b,c]/delete: Filter choices
enter/return: Complete answer

Filtered results for: Enter something to filter

◉ fuji
◉ amoy
◉ sepolia

If you wish to deploy to all blockchain networks selected, simply hit enter to continue deployment.

To deselect a chain for deployment, highlight the chain and toggle the selection using the space bar or arrow keys:

Filtered results for: Enter something to filter

◉ fuji
◯ amoy
◉ sepolia

Adding Deploy Script Tags

Afterwards you'll be prompted to choose which deploy script tags to use. By default, each CLI example contains a starter deploy script, with the deploy script tag being the contract name:

deploy.tags = [contractName];

The generic message passing standard for creating Omnichain Applications (OApps):

info:    Compiling you hardhat project
Nothing to compile
✔ Which networks would you like to deploy? › bsc_testnet, amoy, sepolia
? Which deploy script tags would you like to use? › MyOApp

You will need to add a new deploy script for any new contracts added to the repo.

Running the Deployer

After selecting either all or a specific deploy script, the deployer will those contracts on your specified chains.

warn:    Will use all deployment scripts
✔ Do you want to continue? … yes
Network: amoy
Deployer: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Network: fuji
Deployer: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Network: sepolia
Deployer: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Deployed contract: MyOFT, network: amoy, address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Deployed contract: MyOFT, network: fuji, address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Deployed contract: MyOFT, network: sepolia, address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
info: ✓ Your contracts are now deployed

You should see an output in your ./deployments folder, or have one generated, containing your contracts:

contracts / // your contracts folder
deploy / // hardhat-deploy scripts
deployments / // your hardhat-deploy deployments
amoy / // network name defined in hardhat.config.ts
MyOFT.json; // deployed-contract json
fuji / MyOFT.json;
sepolia / MyOFT.json;
test / // unit-tests, both hardhat and foundry enabled
foundry.toml; // normal foundry.toml for remappings and project configuration
hardhat.config.ts; // standard hardhat.config.ts, with layerzero endpoint mappings
layerzero.config.ts; // special LayerZero config file (more on this later)

Your contract deployments can now be configured in your layerzero.config.ts!