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Using the Cookbook

How the section is organized

This section is organised as recipes. Each recipe is a set of instructions that would guide you to achieve (or cook 😉) a desired result. Here are some example recipes you will find in this cookbook:

  1. Hello OApp -- Hello world of creating an OApp with Hardhat
  2. Hello OFT -- Hello world of creating an OFT (coming soon)
  3. Ping pong between chains (coming soon)

... and so on. Refer to the left sidebar for the whole list of recipes.

How each recipe is organized

Each Recipe follows pretty much the same format, starting with a video Walkthrough and an Introduction followed by Tech Stack, a Guide and ending with a Demo URL.

Code examples and what to expect

Although provided as copy-pasteable code, it is highly encourged to NOT consider any code example provided as audited. (todo: add more context on why its a bad bad practice to copy paste code into production)

The code presented in any of these recipes is to help you get your job done in the quickest way possible, leaving room for improvement, adjustments and customisation.