Hello OApp with Hardhat
In this Recipe we transfer a message from one chain to another. We choose Sepolia (Ethereum's testnet) and Amoy (Polygon's testnet) as the sending and receiving chain respectively.
OApp is short for Omnichain application and is a generic message passing contract interface provided by LayerZero to send and receive arbitrary data across chains.
This interface and be extended and/or customized according to whatever logic is required by your specific application.
Tech stack
- typescript
- nodejs
- solidity
- hardhat
Setup project
npx create-lz-oapp@latest
Answer the questions that follow in the prompt
LayerZero projects are Node.js projects with both the Hardhat and Foundry development frameworks installed. We will be using Hardhat for this guide.
The package comes with a pre-built sample OApp contract named MyOApp.sol
inside /contracts/
Update configs
By default the config created via create-lz-oapp
comes with sepolia
, fuji
and amoy
defined. For our purposes since we only care about sepolia
and amoy
we can make sure our hardhat.config.ts
looks something like this:
It won't matter if you want to keep fuji
in the config. We are removing it for now just so it's cleaner
// ...
// ... (no changes from default)
// ...
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
// ...
// ... (no changes from default)
// ...
networks: {
sepolia: {
eid: EndpointId.SEPOLIA_V2_TESTNET,
url: process.env.RPC_URL_SEPOLIA || 'https://rpc.sepolia.org/',
// removed `fuji` network from here
amoy: {
eid: EndpointId.AMOY_V2_TESTNET,
url: process.env.RPC_URL_AMOY || 'https://polygon-amoy-bor-rpc.publicnode.com',
// ...
// ... (no changes from default)
// ...
export default config;
See here for the full config file
and layerzero.config.ts
looks something like this:
// ...
// ... (no changes from default)
// ...
const sepoliaContract: OmniPointHardhat = {
eid: EndpointId.SEPOLIA_V2_TESTNET,
contractName: 'MyOApp',
// ...
// ... (removed fuji contract object)
// ...
const amoyContract: OmniPointHardhat = {
eid: EndpointId.AMOY_V2_TESTNET,
contractName: 'MyOApp',
const config: OAppOmniGraphHardhat = {
contracts: [
contract: sepoliaContract,
// removed fuji contract object
contract: amoyContract,
connections: [
// ...
// ... (removed all objects and keep only
// ... sepolia -> amoy and amoy -> sepolia)
// ...
from: sepoliaContract,
to: amoyContract,
from: amoyContract,
to: sepoliaContract,
export default config;
See here for the full config file
Add .env
Refer to .env.example
for the required .env
variables. Note: Either one of MNEMONIC
is required.
Create a .env
file and add your variables in there.
MNEMONIC="test test test test..." # only one of MNEMONIC or PRIVATE_KEY required
PRIVATE_KEY="" # only one of MNEMONIC or PRIVATE_KEY required
Test and Deploy Contracts
npx hardhat test
We'll be using the lz:deploy
hardhat task that comes packaged in the project with create-lz-oapp
that looks into the config files (hardhat.config.ts
and layerzero.config.ts
) to deploy contracts on all configured chains. Eg., for our project the task will deploy MyOApp.sol
on both sepolia
and amoy
npx hardhat lz:deploy
Output on your terminal should look something like this:
Wire Up Contracts
The concept of wiring up contracts is about telling the Contract instances on two separate chains about each other. create-lz-oapp
comes pre-configured with a bunch of helpful hardhat tasks that can help you wire up the contracts once deployed.
For a detailed overview of all possible configuration commands, see Configuring Contracts.
Every single time layerzero.config.ts
is updated, the peers
must be updated (calling setPeer
on the contracts)
Execute the following in the terminal:
npx hardhat lz:oapp:wire --oapp-config layerzero.config.ts
This function will call setPeer on each contract instance, as well as implement the custom configurations added.
Executing this command will first ask you if you want to preview the transaction before executing:
The preview will look something like this:
The next prompt will ask you to sign on the transaction, if you respond yes, the two transactions are sent on the chains configured in layerzero.config.ts
Add a new Hardhat task
We create a new hardhat task to send a message between two chains:
import {task} from 'hardhat/config';
import {
} from '@layerzerolabs/devtools-evm-hardhat';
import {Options} from '@layerzerolabs/lz-v2-utilities';
// send messages from a contract on one network to another
task('oapp:send', 'test send')
// contract to send a message from
.addParam('contractA', 'contract address on network A')
// network that sender contract resides on
.addParam('networkA', 'name of the network A')
// network that receiver contract resides on
.addParam('networkB', 'name of the network B')
// message to send from network a to network b
.addParam('message', 'message to send from network A to network B')
.setAction(async (taskArgs, {ethers}) => {
const eidA = getEidForNetworkName(taskArgs.networkA);
const eidB = getEidForNetworkName(taskArgs.networkB);
const contractA = taskArgs.contractA;
const environmentFactory = createGetHreByEid();
const providerFactory = createProviderFactory(environmentFactory);
const signer = (await providerFactory(eidA)).getSigner();
const oappContractFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory('MyOApp', signer);
const oapp = oappContractFactory.attach(contractA);
const options = Options.newOptions().addExecutorLzReceiveOption(200000, 0).toHex().toString();
const [nativeFee] = await oapp.quote(eidB, 'Hello World', options, false);
console.log('native fee:', nativeFee);
const r = await oapp.send(eidB, 'Hello World', options, {
value: nativeFee,
console.log(`Tx initiated. See: https://layerzeroscan.com/tx/${r.hash}`);
if pasting the above in your /tasks/index.ts
results in a dependency error, try installing @layerzerolabs/devtools-evm-hardhat
pnpm i @layerzerolabs/devtools-evm-hardhat
Import tasks
in your hardhat config:
import './tasks'
Before Testing
How would we know the cross-chain messaging worked?
From inside our deployments folder (/deployments/sepolia/MyOApp.json
) we can view the deployment addresses for the contract on both sepolia and amoy.
We will now add a new hardhat task (in the same file as before) in /tasks/index.ts
that will read the data
string from the contract.
task('oapp:read', 'read message stored in MyOApp')
.addParam('contractA', 'contract address on network A')
.addParam('contractB', 'contract address on network B')
.addParam('networkA', 'name of the network A')
.addParam('networkB', 'name of the network B')
.setAction(async (taskArgs, {ethers}) => {
const eidA = getEidForNetworkName(taskArgs.networkA);
const eidB = getEidForNetworkName(taskArgs.networkB);
const contractA = taskArgs.contractA;
const contractB = taskArgs.contractB;
const environmentFactory = createGetHreByEid();
const providerFactory = createProviderFactory(environmentFactory);
const signerA = (await providerFactory(eidA)).getSigner();
const signerB = (await providerFactory(eidB)).getSigner();
const oappContractAFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory('MyOApp', signerA);
const oappContractBFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory('MyOApp', signerB);
const oappA = oappContractAFactory.attach(contractA);
const oappB = oappContractBFactory.attach(contractB);
const dataOnOAppA = await oappA.data();
const dataOnOAppB = await oappB.data();
[taskArgs.networkA]: dataOnOAppA,
[taskArgs.networkB]: dataOnOAppB,
When we will execute the send
transaction from one chain to another, we will be calling the send
function on our contract on network A. This function sends the cross-chain transaction to the contract B deployed on network B. (The contract already knows about contract B because we have executed setPeers
function send(
uint32 _dstEid,
string memory _message,
bytes calldata _options
) external payable returns (MessagingReceipt memory receipt) {
bytes memory _payload = abi.encode(_message);
receipt = _lzSend(_dstEid, _payload, _options, MessagingFee(msg.value, 0), payable(msg.sender));
We will now execute oapp:read
task to query the data
variable on both chains:
❯ npx hardhat oapp:read --contract-a 0x3C834Fd03af81ce768fE666105B8f2619bdd71A4 --network-a sepolia --contract-b 0x3C834Fd03af81ce768fE666105B8f2619bdd71A4 --network-b amoy
The output should be the default value of data
dataOnOAppA: 'Nothing received yet.',
dataOnOAppB: 'Nothing received yet.'
How would we know the transaction worked?
After executing send, the dataOnOAppB
should equal Hello World
(or whatever message we decide on sending)
Test transfer
Execute the script by running the following command:
npx hardhat oapp:send --contract-a CONTRACT_ADDRESS_ON_NETWORK_A --network-a sepolia --network-b amoy --message "Hello World"
We are sending the message 'Hello World'. The transaction will be executed on network A (sepolia) and will be propagated onto network B and we will confirm by querying data
variable on network B to see if it now equals Hello World
We will now execute oapp:read
task to query the data
variable on both chains:
❯ npx hardhat oapp:read --contract-a 0x3C834Fd03af81ce768fE666105B8f2619bdd71A4 --network-a sepolia --contract-b 0x3C834Fd03af81ce768fE666105B8f2619bdd71A4 --network-b amoy
The output should be the default value of data
dataOnOAppA: 'Nothing received yet.',
dataOnOAppB: 'Hello World'
❗ Some Gotchas
when running the hardhat task make sure you make the params hyphenated (
)All deployments that are created from
task are stored in the/deployments
folder (this can be added to your committed to your git repository or ignored depending on your use case)Sometimes the
sent in thevalue
param of thesend
transaction needs to be cranked up by 20-30% to allow some buffer.The transaction hash that the task outputs might take a while (sometimes 10-20 minutes) to index on the source/destination chain
If there's a node version error try switching over to nodejs v18