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Version: Endpoint V2

Estimating Gas Fees

Both OApp and OFT come packaged with methods you can implement or call directly in order to receive a quote for how much native gas your message will cost to send to the destination chain.


Both the OApp and OFT implementations for estimating fees require some knowledge of how _options work. We recommend reviewing the OApp or OFT Quickstart and Message Options guides first to better understand _options usage.


To estimate how much gas a message will cost to be sent and received, you will need to implement a quote function to return an estimate from the Endpoint contract to use as a recommended msg.value.

function quote(
uint32 _dstEid, // destination endpoint id
bytes memory payload, // message payload being sent
bytes memory _options, // your message execution options
bool memory _payInLzToken // boolean for which token to return fee in
) public view returns (uint256 nativeFee, uint256 zroFee) {
return _quote(_dstEid, payload, _options, _payInLzToken);

The _quote can be returned in either the native gas token or in LzToken, supporting both payment methods.

In general, this quote will be accurate as the same function is used by the Endpoint when pricing an _lzSend call:

// How the _quote function works.
// This function is already defined in your OApp contract.
/// @dev the generic quote interface to interact with the LayerZero EndpointV2.quote()
function _quote(
uint32 _dstEid,
bytes memory _message,
bytes memory _options,
bool _payInLzToken
) internal view virtual returns (MessagingFee memory fee) {
MessagingParams(_dstEid, _getPeerOrRevert(_dstEid), _message, _options, _payInLzToken),

Make sure that the arguments passed into the _quote function identically match the parameters used in the lzSend function. If parameters mismatch, you may run into errors as your msg.value will not match the actual gas quote.


Remember that to send a message, a msg.sender will be paying the source chain, the selected DVNs to deliver the message, and the destination chain to execute the transaction.


To estimate how much gas an OFT transfer will cost, call the quoteSend function to return an estimate from the Endpoint contract.

// @dev Requests a nativeFee/lzTokenFee quote for sending the corresponding msg cross-chain through the layerZero Endpoint
function quoteSend(
SendParam calldata _sendParam, // send parameters struct
bytes calldata _extraOptions, // extra message options
bool _payInLzToken, // bool for payment in native gas or LzToken
bytes calldata _composeMsg, // data for composed message
bytes calldata _oftCmd // data for custom OFT behaviours
returns (
MessagingFee memory msgFee, // fee struct for native or LzToken
OFTLimit memory oftLimit,
OFTReceipt memory oftReceipt,
OFTFeeDetail[] memory oftFeeDetails // @dev unused in the default implementation, future proofs complex fees inside of an oft send
(oftLimit, oftReceipt) = quoteOFT(_sendParam);

(bytes memory message, bytes memory options) = _buildMsgAndOptions(

msgFee = _quote(_sendParam.dstEid, message, options, _payInLzToken);