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Version: Endpoint V1 Docs


// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1

pragma solidity >=0.7.0;

interface ILayerZeroRelayer {
// @notice query the relayer price for relaying the payload and its proof to the destination chain
// @param _dstChainId - the destination endpoint identifier
// @param _outboundProofType - the proof type identifier to specify proof to be relayed
// @param _userApplication - the source sending contract address. relayers may apply price discrimination to user apps
// @param _payloadSize - the length of the payload. it is an indicator of gas usage for relaying cross-chain messages
// @param _adapterParams - optional parameters for extra service plugins, e.g. sending dust tokens at the destination chain
function getPrice(uint16 _dstChainId, uint16 _outboundProofType, address _userApplication, uint _payloadSize, bytes calldata _adapterParams) external view returns (uint price);

// @notice Ultra-Light Node notifies the Oracle of a new block information relaying request
// @param _dstChainId - the destination endpoint identifier
// @param _outboundProofType - the proof type identifier to specify the data to be relayed
// @param _adapterParams - optional parameters for extra service plugins, e.g. sending dust tokens at the destination chain
function notifyRelayer(uint16 _dstChainId, uint16 _outboundProofType, bytes calldata _adapterParams) external;

// @notice query if the address is an approved actor for privileges like data submission and fee withdrawal etc.
// @param _address - the address to be checked
function isApproved(address _address) external view returns (bool approved);